The artwork, titled “Self-Portrait,” is an oil on canvas painting by Paul Cezanne, a renowned artist associated with the Post-Impressionism movement. Created around 1880, the painting measures 25 5/8 by 20 5/8 inches and embodies the genre of self-portraiture. Presently, this piece is housed within the collection of the Oskar Reinhart Foundation located in Winterthur, Switzerland.
The artwork captures the essence of the artist in a candid and introspective manner. Cezanne renders his visage with a robust handling of paint, laying down thick, confident brushstrokes that define the contours of his face and beard. The color palette is rich and somewhat muted, with earthy tones alluding to the artist’s naturalistic inclinations. Cezanne’s gaze, fixed slightly to the side, imbues the portrait with a contemplative air, while the textured application of paint exemplifies the artist’s pioneering approach to form and structure. This self-portrait not only provides a glimpse into Cezanne’s physical appearance but also conveys the emotional and psychological depth of an artist at the forefront of a pivotal art historical movement.