The artwork, titled “Self Portrait,” was rendered by Pierre Bonnard between 1939 and 1942, employing oil on canvas. It belongs to the post-impressionist art movement and is categorized under the genre of self-portraits. Currently, this piece resides in a private collection.
In the artwork, Bonnard presents an introspective image of himself, characterized by distinctive use of vibrant colors and bold brushstrokes, emblematic of the post-impressionism movement. The background features an interplay of blue and green hues, contrasting with the subject’s vividly orange and red face, which conveys both intensity and introspection. The artist’s glasses and solemn expression are prominently depicted, enhancing the feeling of self-reflection within the composition. Such a harmonious blend of color and form exemplifies Bonnard’s mastery in capturing the essence of his own presence during the later years of his life.