The artwork titled “Self Portrait with a Beard” by Pierre Bonnard, created between 1920 and 1925, is a striking oil painting on canvas belonging to the Post-Impressionism movement. This self-portrait, now held in a private collection, captures the artist’s introspective gaze amidst a vibrant and textured backdrop.
The artwork exhibits a richly colored palette, dominated by warm hues of orange, yellow, and red, contrasted with darker, muted tones. Bonnard’s face, partially obscured in the swirls of paint, reveals a deep sense of contemplation. The rough and expressive brushstrokes characteristic of the Post-Impressionism movement highlight the texture and depth of the canvas, giving the painting an almost abstract quality. The artist’s beard and facial features are rendered with a loose, unfocused approach, seamlessly blending into the dynamic, swirling background, which further accentuates the emotive and psychological depth of this self-portrait.