The artwork titled “Self-portrait with L’Humanitie,” created by the renowned artist Salvador Dali in 1923, exemplifies the Expressionist movement. It is a self-portrait that employs an amalgamation of mediums, including collage, gouache, oil, and cardboard. The piece measures 105 by 75 centimeters and is housed at the Dalí Theatre and Museum in Figueres, Spain.
In the artwork, the viewer is presented with a representation of the artist where the use of fragmented shapes and a muted color palette is prevalent. The stylized figure is characterized by elongated features and a distinct absence of detail in the facial area, lending an abstract quality to the self-portrait. Behind the central figure, one can observe a chaos of shapes and dark tones, creating a somewhat disorganized backdrop that contrasts with the solid blue color of the figure’s attire. Notably, a piece of paper with the word “man” is prominently placed, contributing to the collage element of the artwork and perhaps offering insight into the artist’s exploration of identity or social commentary. The overall composition is stark yet enigmatic, reflecting the artist’s unique perspective and emotional state during the time of its creation.