The artwork titled “Self Portrait with Necklace” is an oil on metal painting created by the renowned artist Frida Kahlo in 1933. Measuring 34.5 by 29 centimeters, this self-portrait belongs to the Naïve Art movement, specifically within the subset of Primitivism. The painting is currently part of the Jacques and Natasha Gelman Collection in Mexico City, Mexico, showcasing the artist’s distinctive and personal style within the genre of portraiture.
In the artwork, Frida Kahlo has rendered herself with meticulous detail, employing a direct, confrontational gaze that engages the viewer. Her expression is solemn and composed, which is heightened by the bold eyebrows that meet above her nose, a feature that has become emblematic of Kahlo’s self-portraits. A simple yet striking dark beaded necklace adorns her neck, contrasting with the white garment trimmed with delicate lace she wears. The precise rendering of her facial features against the gradated background highlights her countenance, allowing for an intimate interaction between the subject and the spectator. This piece exemplifies Kahlo’s skill in conveying deep emotional resonance and her capacity to convey personal narratives through the medium of paint.