The artwork titled “Self-Portrait with Raphaelesque Neck” is a creation by the renowned artist Salvador Dali, crafted between the years 1921 and 1922. Executed using oil on canvas, this self-portrait is an exemplar of the Post-Impressionism art movement and measures 41.5 by 53 centimeters. Currently, it is housed at the Dalí Theatre and Museum, located in Figueres, Spain, and is part of the museum’s collection mainly dedicated to the life and works of the artist.
In the artwork, Salvador Dali presents himself with an elongated neck reminiscent of the elegance found in Raphael’s portraits, which is explicitly referenced in the title. His face is portrayed with sharp, angular features and a centered stare that conveys intensity and self-assuredness. The background depicts a vibrant landscape, likely inspired by the coastal scenery of Catalonia, evoking a warm, picturesque setting with trees, reflections on water, and a town in the distance. The use of color is varied yet harmonious, capturing the light and atmosphere in a way that is characteristic of the Post-Impressionist approach to painting.