The artwork, titled “Self-Portrait with Straw Hat,” is a significant work by the renowned artist Vincent van Gogh, created circa 1887 in Paris, France. Executed in oil on canvas, this self-portrait falls within the genres of Post-Impressionism and Neo-Impressionism, depicting the artist himself wearing a straw hat. This piece exemplifies van Gogh’s mastery in self-portraiture and stands as an important reflection of his artistic exploration during his Parisian period.
In the artwork, van Gogh presents himself with a straw hat on his head, signifying both a personal and artistic identity. The background is rendered with dynamic strokes of red and brown, creating a textured, almost pulsating environment. Van Gogh’s use of vibrant and contrasting colors, with his face and the hat painted in warm tones against a cool-toned jacket, emphasizes the emotional intensity and the unique style characteristic of his works. The brushwork is highly expressive, with vigorous, deliberate strokes giving life to the portrait, conveying both the physical appearance and the deeper, more introspective nature of the artist.