“Setting Sun and Fog, Eragny” is a captivating landscape painting created by Camille Pissarro in 1891. As an oil on canvas work, it showcases Pissarro’s involvement in the Pointillism and Neo-Impressionism art movements. The picture measures 54 x 65 cm and is currently housed in a private collection.
The artwork depicts a serene landscape during sunset, with the warm glow of the setting sun suffusing the sky with an array of yellows, oranges, and subtle pinks. The light and color gradations give a strong impression of a setting sun casting its light through atmospheric fog. The horizon is marked by a dense row of trees with their foliage depicted in deep blue and violet tones, contrasting with the sky’s warmth. These trees also give a sense of depth, as they gradually recede in the distance. In the foreground, the textured application of paint suggests a grassy field or perhaps farmland, while the interaction of light and shadow creates a gentle, misty feel closer to the ground. The painting is rich in the textured dot technique characteristic of Pointillism, which also creates a vibrant, shimmering effect, especially in the portrayal of the illuminated sky. The signature and date are visible in the bottom left, confirming the artwork’s authenticity and period of creation. This piece is a testament to Pissarro’s mastery of technique and his ability to capture the ephemeral qualities of light and atmosphere in the Impressionist style.