The artwork titled “She keeps her secret,” created by Max Ernst in 1925 in Paris, France, is a prominent piece within the Surrealism movement. Utilizing gouache, pencil, frottage, and paper as its medium, the artwork measures 43 x 26.5 cm and is classified as a symbolic painting. This piece is currently housed in the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art in Edinburgh, UK.
The artwork features a distinctive use of texture and form, achieved through Ernst’s meticulous application of frottage, a technique involving rubbing over a textured surface. The central figure appears enigmatic and abstract, invoking a sense of mystery inherent to the Surrealist genre. The composition is both geometric and organic, with the main form dominating the space, while a smaller shape remains subtly in the background. The monochromatic palette and the fusion of natural shapes with geometric lines contribute to the overall enigmatic aura, consistent with the theme of concealed secrets. The artwork intricately blends simplicity with complexity, inviting viewers to delve into hidden depths and meanings.