The artwork, titled “Shepherd with Flock near a Little Church at Zweeloo,” was created by Vincent van Gogh in 1883 in the Netherlands. This piece, executed in pencil and ink on paper, falls under the Realism art movement and the landscape genre. Currently, it resides in a private collection.
In the artwork, van Gogh captures a serene pastoral scene featuring a shepherd tending to his flock near a small church. The church dominates the composition with its simple yet striking architecture, characterized by a sharply pitched roof and modest steeple. To the left, the silhouette of a large tree enhances the rural ambiance, while the shepherd and sheep provide a sense of scale and life to the setting. The use of pencil and ink creates a stark contrast in the rendering, giving depth and texture to the landscape. The overall scene is one of quietude and contemplation, reflective of van Gogh’s meticulous observation of rural life and architecture.