The artwork titled “Shikamatsu Kanroku’s Manservant, Jinzaburô” was created by Utagawa Kuniyoshi around 1847-1848. It is a woodblock print belonging to the Ukiyo-e art movement. Measuring 36.8 x 25 cm, this illustration is part of the series “Stories of the True Loyalty of the Faithful Samurai” and is housed in the Museum of Fine Arts (MFA) in Boston, MA, US.
The artwork vividly depicts a scene featuring Shikamatsu Kanroku’s manservant, Jinzaburô. It showcases Jinzaburô in a moment of action, carrying a basket of what appears to be either fruit or vegetables. The manservant is attired in traditional Japanese garment with a defined pattern of blue and green hues. Positioned behind Jinzaburô is a fierce-looking dog with its mouth open, possibly signifying a scene of urgency or admonition. The background is adorned with Japanese calligraphy, possibly narrating the story or context of the scene. The composition’s elements are meticulously rendered, emphasizing both the narrative and aesthetic qualities typical of Ukiyo-e prints.