The artwork titled “Silver Disc,” created by artist Michael Johnson in 1967, belongs to the Pop Art movement. This visually captivating piece features a central figure of a woman in a pose with her arms raised above her head, reminiscent of iconic imagery from the 1960s era. She wears a reflective suit adorned with silver discs, adding to the dynamic and eye-catching nature of the composition. The artwork is framed by bold, vibrant hues of blue, orange, and pink, forming a circular pattern that contrasts with the central figure, enhancing the overall pop aesthetic. The pronounced use of color and bold outlines typical of the Pop Art movement are evident, making this piece a striking example of the era’s artistic expression.
Silver Disc (1967) by Michael Johnson
Artwork Information
Title | Silver Disc |
Artist | Michael Johnson |
Date | 1967 |
Art Movement | Pop Art |