The artwork titled “Simeon Stylites,” created by “Orthodox Icons” circa 1800, is a tempera painted icon and is part of the “Saints” series. The piece portrays the figure of Saint Simeon Stylites, who is renowned for his ascetic life spent atop a pillar.
The artwork features Saint Simeon standing on a cylindrical pillar, a symbolic representation of his commitment to a life of asceticism. His solemn visage is framed by a halo, emphasizing his sanctity. In his right hand, he clasps a rosary, while his left hand holds a long scroll inscribed with scriptural or spiritual writings. The background is a deep, celestial blue that contrasts with the vibrant hues of Saint Simeon’s robes and the pillar’s texture. An ornate, red border frames the artwork, which is characterized by a patina of age, displaying cracks and wear that attest to its historical significance and venerable nature.