“Simultaneous Dresses (Three Women, Forms, Colours),” created by Sonia Delaunay in 1925, is an oil painting on canvas that falls under the Orphism art movement. This artwork is classified within the design genre and is currently held at the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum in Madrid, Spain.
The artwork presents three abstract female figures dressed in distinctive, patterned garments that embody geometric forms and vibrant colors. The first figure on the left wears a dress adorned with blue and white triangles, while the central figure is clad in a dress with intricate, interlocking rectangular motifs in shades of brown, yellow, and red. The figure on the right is dressed in a monochrome black outfit composed of layered, tiered shapes. The background features a patchwork of geometric patterns and solid blocks of color which create a dynamic interplay between the figures and their surroundings. The overall composition captures the essence of Orphism through its use of vivid colors and abstract forms to evoke a sense of rhythm and harmony.