“Singed Picnic,” created in 2008 by Dana Schutz, belongs to the art movement known as Neo-Expressionism and fits within the genre of genre painting. The artwork features a picnic scene that is disrupted by chaotic black streaks, suggesting destruction or decay invading a moment of leisure. The figures in the artwork, composed of vibrant colors and expressive brushstrokes, are rendered with a sense of dynamism and energy characteristic of Neo-Expressionism. The setting appears pastoral with elements of nature surrounding the picnic, while the jarring black marks inject an unsettling contrast, blending the ordinary with an element of surreal disturbance.
Singed Picnic (2008) by Dana Schutz
Artwork Information
Title | Singed Picnic |
Artist | Dana Schutz |
Date | 2008 |
Art Movement | Neo-Expressionism |