The artwork titled “Sitting Woman with a Cat” is a portrait created by Pierre Bonnard between 1892 and 1898. Executed in oil on canvas, this piece forms part of the Four-panel-Panneaux series and falls under the Japonism art movement. This compelling artwork currently resides in a private collection.
In this composition, a woman is depicted seated amidst a backdrop of whimsical, undulating patterns that evoke a sense of nature. The artist’s use of muted earth tones combined with subtle greens animates the scene, while the woman’s elongated figure, adorned in a delicate dress, displays both elegance and simplicity. Her calm demeanor is accentuated by the presence of a small black cat at her feet, adding a charmingly domestic touch to the portrait. The meticulously detailed vegetation surrounding the woman hints at the influence of Japonism, which often incorporates elements of nature and a certain flatness of perspective. The piece maintains a serene and intimate atmosphere, perfectly encapsulating a moment of quiet repose.