The artwork titled “Sketch,” created by Nicholas Roerich around the year 1918, is a part of the Symbolism art movement and belongs to the landscape genre. In this artwork, Roerich employs a minimalist approach to capture the essence of an expansive, serene landscape. The palette is dominated by light shades of blue and green, creating a tranquil and ethereal atmosphere. The soft and indistinct forms of clouds and sky blur together, infusing the scene with a dream-like quality. The horizon is subtly defined, with gentle gradations of color that evoke a sense of infinity and peacefulness. The artwork embodies the Symbolist’s pursuit of imbuing ordinary scenes with deeper, often spiritual significance, inviting viewers to reflect on the transcendental beauty of nature.
Sketch (c.1918) by Nicholas Roerich
Artwork Information
Title | Sketch |
Artist | Nicholas Roerich |
Date | c.1918 |
Art Movement | Symbolism |