“Sloping Path in Montmartre,” created in 1886 by Vincent van Gogh in Paris, France, is an oil painting on canvas. This artwork belongs to the Post-Impressionism art movement and falls within the genre of genre painting. The piece is currently housed in the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
The artwork depicts a gently sloping path with a series of steps, bordered by wooden fences on either side. The pathway leads the viewer’s eye toward the background, where tall, slender trees and dense foliage create a serene, natural environment. Three individuals are visible on the path: a lone figure descending the steps in the foreground, and two figures further up the path. The muted color palette, combined with the loose, expressive brushwork, evokes a calm, almost melancholic ambiance. The treatment of light and shadow, along with the varied yet harmonious tones of green and brown, enhances the depth and realism of this tranquil scene.