The artwork, titled “Soldiers,” was created by the renowned artist Jose Clemente Orozco in 1926 in Mexico City, Mexico. This piece, executed in oil on canvas, exemplifies the Expressionist art movement and is categorized under the genre of genre painting. It is currently housed in the Museo de Arte Moderno in Mexico City, Mexico.
“Soldiers” is a powerful depiction of a group of figures, presumably soldiers, set against a stark background. The composition features strong, dynamic lines and expressive forms. The soldiers are shown from the back, carrying rifles on their shoulders, dressed in traditional attire that includes wide-brimmed hats and bandoliers strapped across their chests. A striking element is the presence of a woman among the soldiers, distinguished by her flowing pink skirt and white shawl, adding contrast and depth to the scene. The artwork’s bold, earth-toned palette and the fluidity of the brushstrokes convey a sense of movement and tension, reflective of the socio-political environment of the time.