The artwork titled “Sorrow,” created by Vincent van Gogh in 1882, is an evocative piece produced using lithography on paper. It originates from The Hague in the Netherlands, and is rendered in the Realism art movement. Categorized as a sketch and study, the lithograph captures the essence of human emotion with remarkable clarity.
In this poignant lithograph, a nude woman is depicted seated, hunched over with her arms resting on her knees and her head buried in her forearms. The simplicity of the lines and the delicacy of the shading amplify the somber mood conveyed by her posture. The use of minimalistic strokes emphasizes the contours of her body, maintaining a raw depiction of sorrow and despair. Her hair, loosely falling over her shoulders, and the subtle details of her form enhance the overall feel of vulnerability and introspection. The artist’s proficient handling of the medium and adherence to Realism are evident through the lifelike representation and emotive depth of the drawing.