“Spanish Urchin,” also known by the alternate title “Laugh Cheeks,” is a portrait by the esteemed artist Robert Henri, a significant contributor to the American Realism movement. The artwork is a testament to Henri’s ability to capture the essence of his subjects, presenting an engaging and character-filled portrait that contributes to the genre with its distinctive style and emotive power.
The artwork portrays a young child, depicted with an infectious and cheerful smile that lights up the canvas. Robert Henri’s skill is palpable in the use of bold, expressive brushstrokes that give life and vibrancy to the subject’s visage. The play of light and shadow across the figure’s face emphasizes the warm glow of the cheeks and the sparkle of joviality in the child’s eyes. The background of the portrait is subdued, painted in darker tones that serve to focus the viewer’s attention on the subject. Their attire, while not in full detail, features a patterned garment that adds a textural contrast to the portrait, suggesting a sense of depth and form. Henri’s portrait is a brilliant example of American Realism, capturing a moment of unguarded humanity with a profound sense of immediacy and sincerity.