The artwork titled “Squad of Geser Khan,” created by Nicholas Roerich in 1931, is a symbolic landscape painting executed on canvas using tempera. Measuring 91.5 by 137 centimeters, this piece belongs to the Symbolism art movement and is currently housed in the Nicholas Roerich Museum in New York City, NY, US.
The artwork depicts a squad of figures, likely warriors, dressed in distinct red and orange attire and riding through a mountainous terrain. They traverse a landscape characterized by imposing, multi-hued mountains that loom under a softly lit sky. The figures, moving across a path leading into the distance, are highlighted against verdant hills and a winding river. The scene conveys a sense of journey and exploration, with the grandeur of nature emphasizing the smallness of the human presence. The use of bright and contrasting colors enhances both the monumental aspect of the mountains and the mythical nature of the figures’ expedition.