The artwork, titled “Squeeze 2000,” was created by David Bowie in 1996. It belongs to the Neo-Expressionism art movement and is categorized as figurative in genre.
The artwork exhibits a vibrant and chaotic composition, featuring an amalgamation of bold colors and dynamic forms. Dominating the piece is a large dollar sign on the left, painted in deep red and outlined in black, along with the word “Squeeze” written prominently in the center. The numeral “2000” is displayed beneath the word “Squeeze” in a smaller font, adding a temporal element to the piece. Throughout the artwork, there are various abstract shapes and figures, including a clenched fist and what appears to be musical instruments, creating a sense of intense energy and movement. Fiery hues and sharp lines further contribute to a feeling of tension and urgency, characteristic of the Neo-Expressionist style.