The artwork titled “St. Agnese,” created by the renowned artist Gian Lorenzo Bernini, dates approximately between 1659 and 1672. It belongs to the Baroque art movement and exemplifies the intricacy and emotional depth characteristic of this period. This sculpture, which measures 15.2 x 35.2 cm, is currently housed in the Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
The sculpture depicts St. Agnese in a dynamic yet serene pose, draped in intricate folds of fabric that flow naturally, showcasing Bernini’s masterful ability to render texture and movement in stone. The saint’s expression is contemplative and serene, drawing attention to the piety and sanctity of the figure. Bernini’s skillful play of light and shadow on the sculpture enhances the depth and realism, making it a quintessential example of Baroque artistry. The figure’s stance and the delicate detail in the drapery evoke both a sense of grace and a profound spiritual presence.