The artwork, titled “St. John the Baptist,” was created by Hans Holbein the Younger around the year 1519 in Germany. Executed using chalk, ink, and paper, this piece is a notable example of the Northern Renaissance art movement. The dimensions of the artwork are 54.9 by 37.7 centimeters, and it represents the genre of religious painting. Currently, the artwork is housed in the Kunstmuseum Basel, located in Basel, Switzerland.
The artwork features a depiction of St. John the Baptist, characterized by intricate details and masterful use of medium. St. John is portrayed in humble attire, accentuated by a worn, rough-textured garment. He is positioned in a classical architectural setting with ornate columns in the background, exuding a sense of reverence and solemnity. St. John gestures towards a lamb, which is symbolic in Christian iconography, emphasizing his role in the biblical narrative. The meticulous line work and shading showcase Hans Holbein the Younger’s exceptional skill in capturing both the human form and the emotive essence of the subject.