The artwork titled “St John the Evangelist” is a religious painting executed by the renowned Italian artist Giotto, dating from approximately 1320 to 1325. Created using tempera on panel, it measures 80 by 55 centimeters and embodies the artistic tendencies of the Proto Renaissance movement. Currently, this work is housed at the Musee Jacquemart-Andre within the Abbaye de Chaalis, located in Senlis, France.
The artwork portrays St. John the Evangelist, a prominent figure in Christian theology, recognized as one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus. Giotto has rendered the saint with a serene and contemplative expression, signifying his role as a man of profound thought and spirituality. St. John is depicted with traditional iconography: an elderly man with a halo, suggesting his holiness and divine inspiration. He is seen holding a quill and an inscribed scroll, both signifying his contributions to the New Testament and his status as a revered writer and prophet.
Giotto’s skill is evident in the handling of the tempera medium, his use of color, and the detailed treatment of the fabrics and the saint’s hair and beard, which provides a sense of depth and texture. Despite the limitations of the era’s two-dimensional style, early hallmarks of Renaissance ideas such as naturalism and a focus on individual character can be detected in St John’s portrayal. The gold background is typical of the time, representing the heavenly realm and focusing the viewer’s attention on the saintly figure.