The artwork titled “St. Mark and St. Matthew,” created by Marc Chagall in 1978, utilizes the medium of vitrage, or stained glass. It measures 141.5 by 34.5 centimeters and belongs to the Naïve Art (Primitivism) movement, with its genre categorized as religious painting.
In this piece, Chagall’s skillful use of color and form manifests through the vibrant stained glass, depicting the figures of St. Mark and St. Matthew. Dominant hues of blue provide a tranquil background, interspersed with accents of green, yellow, and red. The figures themselves are rendered in a stylized manner typical of Naïve Art, exuding a sense of spiritual reverence. The composition is further enriched by the inclusion of symbolic elements, such as the four-petaled flower at the top, representing divine presence. The harmonious blend of colors and forms invites the viewer to a contemplative experience.