The artwork, titled “St. Nicholas of Bari,” was created by the esteemed Early Renaissance artist Fra Angelico in the period of 1423-1424. Rendered in tempera on panel, this religious painting is part of the “San Domenico Altarpiece” series and is currently held in a private collection. The artwork is a significant example of the Early Renaissance movement, characterized by its spiritual themes and meticulous craftsmanship.
The artwork depicts Saint Nicholas of Bari, a revered ecclesiastical figure, dressed in resplendent episcopal robes adorned in red and gold. He is presented with a bishop’s mitre atop his head, signifying his high rank within the church. In his left hand, he holds a closed book, symbolizing his scholarly devotion and wisdom, while his right hand grasps a crosier, indicating his pastoral authority. The figure is set against an ornate, gilded background that enhances the painting’s sacred aura. The intricate details and the serene expression of St. Nicholas reflect Fra Angelico’s masterful technique and deep religious reverence.