The artwork, titled “Standing man, presumed study for one of the monks of ‘Saint Louis bringing the crown,” is a sketch and study created by the artist William-Adolphe Bouguereau. This piece is associated with the Academicism art movement, which emphasizes classical ideals and forms.
The artwork depicts a man standing, dressed in long, flowing robes. The figure is captured in a contemplative pose, with one hand lightly clutching the drapery of his garment near his chest. The sketch is executed with delicate, precise pencil strokes that define the folds of the fabric and the serene, thoughtful expression of the subject. The composition is relatively minimalist, focusing solely on the figure without any background distractions, which further emphasizes the solemn and introspective nature of the study. Additionally, a smaller sketch is apparent to the right of the main figure, possibly illustrating an initial or alternate pose or angle. This artwork reflects Bouguereau’s meticulous attention to detail and his mastery in rendering human expressions and drapery.