The artwork, titled “Standing Nude,” was created by Pierre Bonnard between 1922 and 1930. This oil on canvas painting belongs to the Intimism art movement, characterized by detailed and intimate domestic scenes. The genre of this piece is nude painting (nu), and it is part of a private collection.
In the artwork “Standing Nude,” a slender female figure stands in a domestic setting. Her back is turned, and she appears to be in a state of casual undress, as if caught in a private, unguarded moment. The vibrant use of color is characteristic of Bonnard’s work, with yellows, blues, and purples creating a subdued yet dynamic environment. The texture of the brushstrokes is evident, lending a sense of immediacy and intimacy to the scene. The figure is centrally positioned, drawing the viewer’s attention to the subtle interplay of light and shadow on her skin, while the surrounding elements form a harmonious background that enhances the serene and introspective mood of the painting.