The artwork, titled “Stela of Intef and His Wife, Dedetamun,” was created by an unknown artist from Ancient Egypt during the period c.1981 – c.1802 BC, belonging to the Middle Kingdom art movement. It falls within the genres of genre painting and portrait.
The artwork is a stela, a type of stone slab, depicting Intef and his spouse, Dedetamun. The figures are rendered in a traditional ancient Egyptian style, characterized by profile views and vibrant use of color. Intef, prominently featured, is portrayed seated on the right, holding hands with Dedetamun. She is depicted with a serene presence, adorned in typical attire of the period. Hieroglyphics accompany the illustration, adding a textual element to the visual representation. The stela serves both as a decorative and commemorative piece, capturing a moment of intimacy between the couple in their shared life.