“Still Life Bowl with Daisies,” created by Vincent van Gogh in 1888 in Arles, Bouches-du-Rhône, France, is an evocative representation within the Post-Impressionism movement. The artwork, executed in oil on canvas, falls under the flower painting genre.
In the artwork, Vincent van Gogh employs a palette dominated by greens and subtle hints of other colors to depict a collection of daisies resting in a bowl. The artist’s characteristic bold and dynamic brushstrokes are evident, demonstrating a sense of movement and texture both in the daisies themselves and the surrounding grass. The daisies, with their white petals and darker centers, provide a striking contrast to the predominantly green background, drawing the viewer’s eye towards the focal point of the composition. Van Gogh’s ability to achieve depth and vibrancy through his expert manipulation of color and form is clearly displayed in this intimate and visually compelling still life. The painting captures the simplicity of the subject while imbuing it with a sense of vitality and emotion through the artist’s distinctive style.