The artwork “Still life Reslicitando,” created by the artist Remedios Varo in 1963, is a unique representation within the Surrealism movement and embodies the genre of still life. Partaking in the avant-garde currents of her time, Varo’s piece is steeped in the subconscious and dream-like elements that define Surrealism.
In the artwork, one observes a collection of fruits, plates, and a central candle arranged on a round table draped with a textured, golden cloth, which cascades subtly to the floor. What distinguishes this as a surreal still life is the animated movement portrayed; fruits seem to orbit around the candle as if they were celestial bodies engaging in a cosmic dance. This silent symphony of inanimate objects is framed by a background that suggests the stone walls of a monastic or medieval space, punctured by arched windows revealing the darkness beyond. The table itself sits sturdily at the center of this enigmatic scene, groundless, yet untouched by the ambiguity surrounding it.
The combination of the meticulous realism in the rendering of the objects and the ethereal movement presents a visual paradox, blending the familiar with the fantastical. Varo’s signature approach to creating enigmatic, symbolic scenes that evoke a sense of deeper, unseen forces at play is evident here, inviting the viewer to ponder the unseen energies that animate the natural world.