The artwork titled “Still Life with Basket of Apples (to Lucien Pissarro)” was created by the renowned artist Vincent van Gogh in 1887, during his time in Paris, France. This piece, executed in oil on canvas, belongs to the Post-Impressionism and Neo-Impressionism art movements and is categorized under the still-life genre. It is currently housed at the Kröller-Müller Museum in Otterlo, Netherlands.
The artwork depicts a woven basket filled with apples, placed on a flat surface. Van Gogh’s technique uses visible, expressive brushstrokes, creating a dynamic texture that brings vibrancy to the scene. The apples are depicted in various shades of red, green, and yellow, with the interplay of light and shadow giving them a three-dimensional appearance. The background features a mixture of soft, blended hues, which complement the warmer tones of the apples and highlight the richness of Van Gogh’s palette. The dedication “à l’ami Lucien Pissarro” in the bottom left corner indicates the personal nature of this piece, paying homage to Lucien Pissarro. The overall composition reflects Van Gogh’s mastery in capturing the essence of simple, everyday objects through his unique artistic lens.