“Still Life with Basket of Apples,” created by Vincent van Gogh in 1887 during his time in Paris, France, is an oil on canvas painting that epitomizes the artistic movements of Post-Impressionism and Neo-Impressionism within the still life genre. The artwork currently resides at the Saint Louis Art Museum in St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
The artwork depicts a wicker basket filled with a selection of apples. Each apple is vividly portrayed with rich, textured brushstrokes characteristic of van Gogh’s style, revealing varying shades of yellow, green, and hints of red. The basket rests on a similar textured surface that merges seamlessly into the background. This background is a radiant display of yellow hues, infused with strokes of purple and blue, which complement the colors of the apples and create a sense of movement and vibrancy. The composition of the artwork is both simple and dynamic, reflecting Van Gogh’s masterful use of color and texture to convey depth and energy in a seemingly mundane subject.