The artwork, titled “Still Life with Bible,” was masterfully created by Vincent van Gogh around 1885 in Nuenen, Netherlands. This oil on canvas painting, which belongs to the Realism movement, measures 78 by 65 centimeters and exemplifies the still life genre. The artwork is currently housed at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
In this evocative painting, van Gogh presents an open Bible prominently set in the foreground, illuminated with rich, warm tones. The pages are rendered with expressive brushstrokes, capturing a sense of age and reverence. To the right of the Bible, one notices a candle stand, the candle itself unlit, which juxtaposes the light drawn from the pages of the sacred text. Additionally, a smaller book lies in front of the Bible—its title partially obscured, adding an element of intrigue. The dark background contrasts sharply with the illuminated subjects, emphasizing their significance and allowing them to stand out with clarity and gravity. This composition is a poignant reflection on faith, knowledge, and enlightenment.