“Still Life with Bloaters and Garlic” is an artwork created by Vincent van Gogh in 1887, in Paris, France. This artwork, executed in oil on canvas, belongs to the Post-Impressionism art movement and falls within the genre of still life. Presently, it is housed in the Artizon Museum in Tokyo, Japan.
The artwork displays a simple yet vivid composition featuring three bloater fishes and a bulb of garlic set against a subtly textured background. Van Gogh employs rich earthy tones and expressive brushwork to bring a sense of depth and realism to the objects. The fish, rendered in shades of brown and gold, exhibit a lifelike shimmer, while the garlic bulb is depicted with a nuanced interplay of light and shadow. The composition is defined by dynamic, yet harmonious, contrasts and Van Gogh’s characteristic intensity of color and texture.