“Still Life with Lemons on a Plate” is an artwork created by Vincent van Gogh in 1887 during his time in Paris, France. Executed in oil on canvas, it epitomizes the Post-Impressionism art movement. The dimensions of this still life painting are 21 x 40689 cm, and it currently resides in the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
The artwork features a simple yet captivating arrangement of lemons placed on a white plate. The background consists of textured, dynamic brushstrokes that are characteristic of van Gogh’s style, providing a contrast to the smoother renderings of the lemons and the plate. The vibrant hues of the lemons, ranging from bright yellows to hints of green, stand out against the more subdued tones of the plate and the background. The composition, while straightforward, exudes a sense of freshness and vitality, reflecting van Gogh’s keen interest in the interplay of light and color.