“Still Life with Two Tables,” created by Max Weber around 1934, is an oil on canvas painting exemplifying the Expressionism movement. This still life artwork meticulously displays an arrangement of various objects on two overlapping tables.
In the artwork, a captivating composition of everyday items is presented. The foreground table exhibits a plate with a sandwich, a small bowl filled with fruit, a dark cup with a matching saucer, and some loose fruits scattered around. Adjacent to it, a white cloth partially drapes over the table’s edge, adding a textural contrast. The background table, slightly elevated, holds a pedestal bowl brimming with yellow and green apples, and an earthenware pot positioned towards the back. The tables themselves appear weathered, with richly textured surfaces capturing the essence of the items placed upon them. The dark and somber color palette, combined with the expressive brushwork, contributes to the painting’s depth and emotional resonance, reflective of the Expressionist style. The arrangement of objects, the interplay of light and shadow, and the intimate portrayal of mundane objects together create a poignant still life that invites viewers to explore the subtleties in this seemingly simple setup.