“Studio, Quay of Saint-Michel” is an oil on canvas artwork created by the distinguished artist Henri Matisse in the year 1916. Epitomizing the Expressionism movement, the piece falls under the genre of nude painting (nu) and currently resides within a private collection. This work offers an insightful glance into Matisse’s interpretive vision, which is marked by the expressive use of color and non-naturalistic representation.
The artwork portrays an interior scene contrasting with an external urban view. Dominating the composition is a nude figure reclining on a daybed, draped with a boldly patterned red throw. The room includes a wooden floor and striped walls, which underscore the artist’s focus on geometric shapes and patterned surfaces in constructing the scene. The windows frame views of a cityscape, with buildings and a bridge visible in the background, adding a sense of depth to the flatness of the interior. Matisse’s technique appears to flatten the space while maintaining a vibrant atmosphere through his distinctive palette and brushwork. The walls exhibit paintings, one of which resembles a portrait, enhancing the sense of a studio environment. A clock, centrally placed on the far right, underscores the temporal element within this serene setting. The interplay of interior and exterior elements and the use of vibrant colors exemplify Matisse’s innovative approach to form and perspective, alluding to his engagement with Expressionism and his unique contribution to the development of modern art.