“Study to ‘Song of Songs IV’,” created by Marc Chagall in 1958 in France, resides within the Surrealism art movement. This sketch and study is a part of Chagall’s “Song of Songs” series. The artwork portrays striking surrealistic elements with vivid colors and dreamlike imagery characteristic of Chagall’s unique style.
The artwork is imbued with vibrant hues of red, which form the background and provide a dramatic canvas upon which the foreground elements are set. Central to the composition are abstract, ethereal figures that blend seamlessly with each other and their surroundings. One prominent figure, resembling a horse with an ethereal rider, is adorned with wings, depicted in contrasting yet harmonious colors of yellow and white. Positioned above an assemblage of indistinct human forms that appear animated, the flowing composition gives a sense of movement and otherworldly energy. The scene below appears populated with myriad figures, infused with a sense of communal activity or celebration, while various elements around them hint at deeper symbolic meanings. The use of blending and contrast in colors magnifies the dreamlike essence and evokes the poetic themes alluded to in the Song of Songs.