The artwork, titled “Suikoden Triptych the Fishermen,” was created by the artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi and belongs to the Ukiyo-e art movement. This genre painting vividly captures a moment in the lives of fishermen, meticulously detailing their surroundings and activities.
In the artwork, three panels present different fishermen, displaying varying postures and expressions. The figures, robust and expressive, are engaged in their daily labor. The left panel showcases a fisherman with a contemplative demeanor, possibly in conversation or in the midst of his tasks, adorned with traditional attire and holding a bucket. The central panel draws attention with its muscular subject, who appears deeply involved in a strenuous activity, highlighting the physical demands of the profession. The right panel depicts another fisherman, interacting with his companion, each figure intricately detailed to exhibit strength and resilience. The background includes marine elements, subtly incorporating the setting while emphasizing the narrative of the fishermen’s arduous yet noble daily life.