The artwork titled “Summer landscape in Kurskaya guberniya” was created by the artist Ilya Repin, a notable figure within the Realism movement of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This oil on canvas painting, which dates from the period between 1876 and 1915, measures 14 by 20 centimeters and is categorized as a landscape. It is currently housed within the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, Russia, where it contributes to the cultural and historical fabric of Russian art.
“Summer landscape in Kurskaya guberniya” embraces the quintessence of the Realist movement, characterized by the precise and detailed depiction of natural settings. The artwork portrays a serene summer landscape, possibly set in a rural area given the title’s reference to Kurskaya guberniya, a former administrative division of Imperial Russia. It captures the essence of a warm, sunlit day with a clear sky that occupies a significant portion of the canvas. The clouds are lightly brushed in white and blue, suggesting a gentle movement across the sky.
The landscape itself is dominated by a gently sloping hill with sparse vegetation and rocks, leading the eye across the canvas. This hill is covered in greenery, showcasing various shades of green that denote the different flora, giving a feeling of depth and richness to the setting. The foreground features a dirt path that weaves into the composition, adding a sense of perspective and inviting the viewer into the scene.
Interestingly, the artwork also includes two figures, adding a human element to the otherwise natural setting. One figure appears to be walking along the path, dressed in dark clothing and possibly wearing a hat, contributing to the scale and the naturalistic impression of the landscape. The inclusion of these figures provides a point of connection for the viewer, evoking narratives about life in this tranquil countryside.
Overall, Repin’s work is a vivid example of the Realist focus on depicting everyday scenes and natural landscapes with fidelity to visual experience, a departure from the idealized and often romanticized scenes of earlier art movements.