The artwork titled “Summer Storm” by Robert Henri, completed in 1902, is an exemplary piece of American Realism in the landscape genre. Capturing the essence of an incoming storm during summer, this painting conveys the dynamic interplay of light and atmosphere with natural surroundings.
In the artwork, the dark, foreboding clouds dominate the sky, suggesting the imminence of a storm. The landscape beneath these brooding skies is lush and verdant, with various shades of green that hint at the vitality and richness of the summer season. A single, windswept tree in the foreground appears to be reacting to the gathering tempest, with its leaves and branches bending under the force of the wind. The tension between the serene, green countryside and the dramatic, turbulent sky creates a palpable sense of anticipation and movement, capturing a fleeting moment of nature’s inexorable power and beauty. The brushstrokes are bold and expressive, further emphasizing the raw and uncontrolled energy of the scene.