The artwork titled “Sunny Lawn in a Public Park” was created by Vincent van Gogh in 1888 while he was in Arles, Bouches-du-Rhône, France. It is an oil painting on canvas, representative of the Post-Impressionism art movement and falls under the landscape genre. This piece is currently housed in the Merzbacher Collection in Zürich, Switzerland.
The artwork vividly illustrates a sunlit section of a public park, characterized by its bright and varied palette. The artist employs dynamic brush strokes which evoke a sense of movement and light across the grassy expanse. The lawn is depicted in lush greens and yellows, interspersed with shadows and textured patches, giving it a lively and naturalistic appearance. Bushes and trees in the background are painted in deeper greens and browns, with hints of vibrant colors representing flowers or foliage. The overall composition conveys a serene and sunny day, showcasing van Gogh’s mastery in capturing the essence and vibrancy of outdoor scenes.