“Sunrise at Saint Mammes,” created by Alfred Sisley in 1880, is an oil on canvas artwork. Exemplifying the Impressionism art movement, this piece is a landscape painting with dimensions of 49.5 by 65.1 centimeters and currently resides within a private collection.
The artwork depicts a serene riverside scene at sunrise, featuring calm waters that reflect the soft golden light of the early morning. Tall, verdant trees line the bank, their leaves subtly caught in the gentle dawn light. To the right, a rustic building stands, suggesting a tranquil village setting, further enhanced by the presence of individuals leisurely walking and interacting along the path. A bridge spans the river in the middle ground, connecting the verdant shorelines and enhancing the painting’s depth. The overall composition, with its delicate brushstrokes and harmonious color palette, epitomizes the ethereal quality and fleeting beauty characteristic of Impressionism.