The artwork titled “Sunset at Etretat,” created by George Inness in 1875, belongs to the Tonalism art movement and is categorized as a landscape. The painting captures the serene and contemplative beauty of the natural world at sunset, showcasing Inness’s masterful use of color and atmosphere.
In the artwork, the viewer is presented with a stunning depiction of the Etretat landscape at sunset. The sky, painted with dramatic dark clouds and contrasting vibrant hues of orange and red along the horizon, creates an arresting visual effect. The rolling green hills in the foreground gradually give way to a more distant landscape, punctuated by small clusters of buildings and natural formations. A figure in the lower right corner, seated amidst a flock of sheep, adds a sense of tranquility and pastoral simplicity. The entire scene is enveloped in a soft, harmonious palette that epitomizes the tonalism movement, emphasizing mood and unity over detail.