The artwork titled “Surrealist Knights for a Four-part Screen, Centre Right” is an oil on canvas created by the iconic artist Salvador Dali around 1934. Embedded within the Surrealism art movement, this battle painting is characteristic of Dali’s imaginative and peculiar style, which frequently depicts dreamlike scenes and fantastic creatures or situations.
The artwork portrays an ethereal and chaotic battle scene. At the forefront, a sense of movement is conveyed by the dynamic portrayal of rearing horses with their riders. The riders appear engaged in vigorous combat, with their weapons drawn and their postures indicating motion and aggression. Despite the title’s suggestion of surrealism, the depicted figures do not immediately exhibit the trademark bizarre deformations or strange juxtapositions often associated with Dalí’s surreal work. Instead, there is an emphasis on the fluidity of lines and the frenetic energy of the sketch.
The background is sparsely detailed, with simple outlines insinuating a distant landscape or perhaps elements of a battle unfolding in a nondescript setting. The use of perspective lines adds to the tension and movement, directing the viewer’s gaze across the composition. Sketchy and rapid strokes suggest this work may be a preliminary study or part of a larger conceptual piece, possibly intended for further development into a more detailed and finished piece of art.
It is worth noting that while the style of this particular work may not immediately evoke the surrealist aesthetic, it does convey a sense of altered reality through the intensity and exaggeration of action—a differing approach to exploring the themes of dream and psyche that are central to Surrealism.