The artwork titled “Symbolic cross on the outer wall in Lohia,” created by Nicholas Roerich in 1907, is a representation of the Symbolism art movement. As a sketch and study genre, the artwork embodies a cross surrounded by geometric figures, intricately designed with dotted and curved lines. It signifies the confluence of mysticism and symbolism, characteristic of the artist’s profound thematic exploration.
In the artwork, a prominent cross forms the central element, embellished with dotted lines that outline its structure. At the ends of the cross’s horizontal limbs, circular motifs interject, adding an ornamental dimension. Below the cross, an angular pattern extends symmetrically on either side, mirroring the curved forms and contributing to an overall aesthetic balance. The meticulous design and symbolism encapsulated within the artwork exemplify Roerich’s affinity for mystical and esoteric themes, providing a contemplative visual experience.