The artwork titled “Tahitian Woman’s Head” is a creation by the distinguished artist Paul Gauguin, executed circa 1892 during his time spent in French Polynesia. This sketch, a testament to Gauguin’s post-impressionist style, is modest in dimensions, measuring approximately 16 by 12 centimeters. Rendered in pencil on paper, this piece is categorized as a sketch and study and currently resides within a private collection, beyond the public gaze.
The artwork exudes a minimalist charm, capturing the essence of a Tahitian woman’s visage through economical yet poignant lines. The woman’s features are drawn with a gentle brevity that conveys serenity and repose. The curvature of her hair and the soft shaping of her features are typical of Gauguin’s style, which often sought to portray the innate spirituality and tranquility he perceived in the Tahitian way of life. The choice of medium—pencil on the softly toned paper—adds to the warmth and simplicity of the study. Despite the drawing’s unassuming dimensions, the artist’s deft hand lends a gravity and presence to the woman’s portrait, allowing it to resonate with viewers even on such a small scale.